"Murder, Mirth & Mayhem"

4 Short Comedies and Dramas

“Death At The Deanery” - A Comedy by Jim Hollingsworth

General Stick-Monocle is found dead in a chest at the Deanery.  Everyone has a motive to kill him, but who will get to the solution first - Inspector Tyte-Canby or Miss Marbles?

“Kit Kat Man” - A Drama by James Addis

A British double agent and traitor living in Soviet Russia is approached by a member of the British Embassy in a Moscow Park.  What does the stranger want, and will it benefit him?

“10, Abbey Court” - A Drama by Cheryl Barrett

A woman looks at a flat with a view to purchase, but it has a violent and disturbing history.

“Sherlock Holmes And The Poison Pen Letter” - A Comedy by Simon Rayner Davis

Holmes discovers a body in his Apartment at Baker Street.  Who is he?  How did he get there?  How did he die?  Can Holmes deal with a predatory Mrs. Hudson, an utterly inept Watson, and interrogate a mysterious actress, Sarah Moaney, to foil the dastardly Moriarty’s plots and solve the case?

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